#1 Bitmart

Buddy_555 atvēra pirms 1 gada · 0 komentāri
Buddy_555 komentēja pirms 1 gada

On Bitmart, a global cryptocurrency exchange, over a thousand digital currencies and commemorative items can be bought and sold in 180 countries. Although BitMart provides all of the features one would expect from a global cryptocurrency exchange, it was fixed in December 2021, resulting in the theft of approximately 196 million dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency.

On <a href = https://sites.google.com/view/bitmartt/>Bitmart</a>, a global cryptocurrency exchange, over a thousand digital currencies and commemorative items can be bought and sold in 180 countries. Although BitMart provides all of the features one would expect from a global cryptocurrency exchange, it was fixed in December 2021, resulting in the theft of approximately 196 million dollars' worth of cryptocurrency.
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